وزارة التربية والتعليم العراقية تجيب حول موعد إعلان نتائج الصف الثالث متوسط لعام 2023

وزارة التربية والتعليم العراقية تجيب حول موعد إعلان نتائج الصف الثالث متوسط لعام 2023

News Article

When will the results of the 2023 Intermediate Third be announced?

Many students, parents, and guardians are wondering when the results of the 2023 Intermediate Third will be announced. The Iraqi Ministry of Education has responded to students’ questions by stating that once the exams are corrected and grades are reviewed, the results will be officially approved and announced on the ministry’s website. Students are advised to visit the ministry’s website and follow the steps to check their results.

Link to the Intermediate Third Results in Iraq

All students, parents, and guardians can check the results of the Intermediate Third by following these steps:

  • First, visit the official website of the Iraqi Ministry of Education.
  • Go to the website Results.
  • Click on the Intermediate Third option.
  • Students should enter their province and the name of their school.
  • Students should enter their full name and their seat number.
  • Click on “View Student’s Result” and wait for the student’s result and all their grades to appear.

Announcement Date of the Results

The Results website, affiliated with the Iraqi Ministry of Education, will publish the results of all educational stages in Iraq, including the Intermediate Third. Students should continuously search for the link to the Results website to check their results. Student lists can also be accessed through the ministry’s website and the Results website. Correction centers located in all Iraqi provinces are working to correct students’ exam papers within the timeframe determined by the ministry. It is expected that the results will be announced in the near future.

وزارة التربية والتعليم العراقية تقوم بتصحيح أوراق الامتحانات للصف الثالث المتوسط، وبعد اعتماد النتيجة ستقوم الوزارة بإعلانها على موقعها الإلكتروني. الطلاب يمكنهم الاستعلام عن النتيجة عن طريق دخول موقع الوزارة واتباع الخطوات المحددة. لم تعلن الوزارة بعد عن موعد إعلان نتيجة الامتحانات، ولكن من المتوقع أن يتم إعلانها قريبًا.