Ministry of Health and Population Releases Nursing Coordination Conditions
The Ministry of Health and Population has issued an announcement specifying the conditions and rules for admission to technical nursing secondary schools for the academic year 2023-2024, with adherence to nursing coordination rules in all governorates.
According to the announcement, students will be accepted based on the highest score, and the minimum threshold will be determined after the completion of the nursing coordination process for 2023.
Dr. Hossam Abdelghaffar, spokesperson for the Ministry of Health and Population, explained that the admission requirements for technical nursing secondary schools include obtaining a certificate of completion of basic education or its equivalent in the same year, in addition to studying English as a first or second language.
Nursing Coordination in Giza 2023 – Al Youm Al Sabaa Newspaper
Nursing coordination in Cairo 2023 requires the applicant to be an Egyptian national and a resident of the same governorate where the certificate was obtained. The coordination and admission process will be conducted separately in each administrative center, with an emphasis on localizing students in their respective governorates. Students from outside the governorate will not be accepted.
Nursing coordination in Dakahlia 2023 will have a maximum of 25 to 30 students per class to ensure classrooms are not overcrowded.
Nursing coordination in Sharqia 2023, Abdelghaffar added, requires the student’s dedication to their studies, and a statement certified by their parent or guardian confirming this commitment must be provided.
In Alexandria 2023-2024 nursing coordination, students must pass several exams in different subjects such as Arabic language, English language, and computer skills. The required grades for admission in each subject must not be less than 70%. In addition, students must pass a medical examination that includes various health tests such as vision, internal examination, and drug test.
Military Nursing after Preparatory School for Boys
In military nursing after preparatory school for boys, the medical examination will only be conducted for accepted students, and a student is not considered accepted until the coordination process is completed and the results are announced. Afterwards, the student must submit the original documents within a deadline determined by the affiliated health directorate.
Dr. Ola Khairallah, Head of Training and Research Sector at the Ministry of Health and Population, also stated that students who wish to join technical nursing secondary schools will undergo a medical examination by medical committees in each governorate, which will include various health tests such as vision, internal examination, and drug test.
In Damietta 2023 nursing coordination, the medical examination will only be conducted for accepted students, and thereafter the student must submit the original documents within the deadline specified by the health directorate.
“Khairallah” also announced that applications for technical nursing secondary schools will open on July 4th, and this will be done through the training departments in the health affairs directorates of all governorates in the Republic.
صدرت وزارة الصحة والسكان في مصر إعلان يحدد شروط وقواعد الالتحاق بالمدارس الثانوية الفنية للتمريض للعام الدراسي 2023-2024، حيث سيتم قبول الطلاب بناءً على المجموع الأعلى وتحديد الحد الأدنى بعد انتهاء عملية التنسيق. الشروط تشمل حصول الطالب على شهادة إتمام مرحلة التعليم الأساسي أو ما يعادلها في نفس العام ودراسة اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أولى أو ثانية. سيتم التنسيق والقبول في مراكز إدارية مختلفة بشكل منفصل، ويجب أن يكون المتقدم مصري الجنسية ومن أبناء نفس المحافظة. ستكون الحد الأقصى لعدد الطلاب في الفصل الواحد بين 25 و30 طالبًا، ويجب على الطلاب اجتياز اختبارات في مواد مختلفة والكشف الطبي الذي يتضمن فحوصات طبية مختلفة. قبل قبول الطلاب المقبولين، يتعين عليهم تقديم الأوراق الأصلية في موعد نهائي.