ابحث عن مستقبلك المالي المستدام! اكتشف نتائج التقاعد النسبي 2023 عبر الموقع الرسمي للصندوق الوطني للتقاعد retraite.men.gov.ma

ابحث عن مستقبلك المالي المستدام! اكتشف نتائج التقاعد النسبي 2023 عبر الموقع الرسمي للصندوق الوطني للتقاعد retraite.men.gov.ma

Results of Relative Retirement 2023 through the National Retirement Fund

We explain the results of relative retirement in 2023 through the National Retirement Fund, due to the increased demand for it, which can be accessed through any platform affiliated with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. This is because there is no social justice in it, as these retirees receive low wages at this age and are unable to live on this pension.

How to Check the Results of Relative Retirement 2023 through the National Retirement Fund

You can find out the results of relative retirement in 2023 through the National Retirement Fund by using the Moroccan electronic nomination portal. It provides all the information regarding these retired individuals, whether they are male or female. Therefore, you should follow these steps:

  • Go to the Moroccan electronic nomination portal.
  • Submit your pension number on the page.
  • Enter the code that you received to access your pension.
  • Enter your date of birth.
  • Then, access the section for checking the relative results of 2023.

Conditions for Relative Retirement in Morocco 2023

Relative retirement applies to certain categories, such as seniors or people with special needs, but with certain conditions, including:

  • The applicant’s age should be 45 for women and 50 for men, known as early retirement.
  • There is another case unrelated to age, which is working for a certain period of at least 32 years.
  • In the case of relative retirement, the age for both men and women is similar to that of early retirement.

There is a toll-free number, 3030, to respond to any citizen, address their complaints, and answer any inquiries. You can also visit the National Fund website, download the necessary documents and statements, or visit the Fund in person to get any details that concern retirees, and your queries will be answered.

محتوى المقال يتحدث عن نتائج التقاعد النسبي في المغرب لعام 2023 وكيفية الحصول عليها من خلال بوابة الترشح الالكترونية بوزارة العمل والضمان الاجتماعي. يشرح المقال أيضًا الشروط الخاصة بالتقاعد النسبي في المغرب لعام 2023، مثل العمر المطلوب ومدة العمل المطلوبة. يشدد المقال على أهمية الاتصال بالصندوق الوطني للتقاعد للحصول على المزيد من المعلومات وحل أي استفسارات لدى المتقاعدين.